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illogictree's avatar

Violet Pandemonium



An entry for a contest at Seventh Sanctum. The contest theme was "Extreme Characters". Unfortunately I may have missed the deadline by half an hour. :P

Edit: Got in on the contest anyway! We'll see how I do...

Edit 2: Should have added this info earlier. I didn't win. Oh well, maybe next time.

Character name (from the Fantasy Name Generator Extreme): Violet Pandemonium

Character description (from the Fanboy Fantasy Fulfiller): "The wacky busty alien vigilante who wears form-fitting armor - barely!"

I tried to make her look sort of like a fanservice-y heroine from some 80's anime, both in design and coloring. How did I manage?

Violet Pandemonium is part of a group of vigilantes who prowl the spaceports of the galaxy looking for wanted criminals to capture and turn in for the reward money. She has a reputation for having a hair-trigger temper and a tendancy to blow things up by mistake. Her species is ectothermic and slightly photosynthetic, meaning that she has to keep plenty of skin exposed. (Ha! Justification! So bleah! :P) Her vehicle of choice is the Ride Hunter, a sort of airborne motorcycle that transforms into a powered armor.
Image size
832x902px 408.06 KB
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Elainatehkitty's avatar
Could I see her in a comic book?!?! She looks awesome! The colors are great. I love them. ~